Sunday, November 7, 2010

2010 Men Suck Movie Marathon

Last night me and some of my favorite girls here in Nashville got together to have a 2010 Men Suck Movie Marathon.
Yes I understand that this might be a little extreme, and that not ALL men actually suck. But let's be honest. Some REALLY REALLY do. And this day was created because of those men. The men that have broken our hearts, that have used us, treated us badly. And let me tell you, it was the funnest day I've had since I've been here.
We started out with brunch at this awesome place here in Nash called the Pfunky Griddle. You cook your own breakfast on a skillet built into the table. Super fun and super good.
Then we headed on over to Liz's house where she had prepared ALL kinds of tasty treats! We popped in the first movie, 500 Days of Summer (which turned out to be a HORRIBLE choice, it's just too real). Then we had a little share time, time for each of us to share our most recent heartbreak, to relate to each other, and to just plain vent.
We decided we needed a movie with ZERO love in it, so we put in The Dark Knight. Lot of Christian Bale, crazies and stuff exploding. It was perfect.
The night ended with a RIDICULOUS amount of laughing, and some tears, but mostly laughing. It was just what all of us needed.

P.s. I do NOT want to sound like a bitter girl who thinks all men are scum. I am NOT I have plenty, plenty of men in my life who are incredible and they far outweigh the ones who aren't.


Mama said...

This. Was a good idea :) Good friends, laughter and tears shared together, these things can help make a bruised and battered heart strong and healthy again.

I'm thankful.

Mama said...

PS You're right. Not all men suck. They all have their sucky moments...;)....but you're right to not believe that all men will batter your heart. There are a few good ones out there....:)

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