Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I believe

-That celebrating silly like days like "Christmas in July" is fun and good for the soul. Blast those Christmas tunes all day long and take the weird looks with a smile and watch Christmas movies with hot chocolate in hand.

-Doing a bible study with your mom is one of the best things you could do. It will grow your relationship and she will get to challenge you more than anyone else because she knows you better than anyone else

-We do not always need to try and hold in our tears. Let them fall, often (if it's a smaller issue) the pain will fall out with them.

-Cinnamon Roast Almonds are DELICIOUS and ADDICTIVE

-Amazing things can happen when you truly spend time praying about a situation instead of just acting right away.

-I enjoy staying busy throughout my day much more than having nothing to do but lay around (obviously this is NOT always true)

-When having to do with love, action is essential. Love Does. (read about it)

1 comment:

Mama said...

I believe

-Writing helps you to better know who you are. I should do more of it. And, I love reading yours :)

--I don't do enough celebrating since my children left home.

--I need to read Love Does. And about a million other books. Because I love reading and I need more of it in my life.

--Doing a Bible study with your daughter is something every Mama should experience. It's super awesome and makes you not miss your daughter so much.

--Life should be an adventure. I need to be braver and bolder. And I should probably fill my husband in on all the adventures I would like to have before I die. He might freak out though. Just sayin.

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