Friday, July 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday (on Friday)

It's hard to get upset about the little things when you count your blessings. It's even hard to get too upset about the "bigger" things, because once you count your blessings you can sometimes see how small the big things are. So I am going to try once a week to make a list on the things I'm thankful for at the moment.

Week 1:
1. My family- seriously I don't know where I would be without a family who loves the Lord like they do and who supports me 100%
2. Steve- this man has made me so happy the past 8 months. He challenges me and makes me laugh like almost no one else can.
3. My home. I have a warm or cool home to come to everyday.
4. My car. Even though old Jude is having some major trouble these days I am so thankful I even have a car to worry about and that I have had this same one for as long as I have.
5. Laughter- nothing lifts the spirit like laughter
6. Tears- though they may not be fun, they are healing
7. My health. I am a healthy person overall and I have the ability to work out. This is a blessing
8. The rain- we sure needed it around here
9. Access to the Bible- I take for granted how easy it is for me to read my Bible anywhere and to have a complete Bible to read.
10.Rainbows- they are good reminders that God is in control and that he never breaks his promises, even when the rain falls.

What are some things you're thankful for today?

1 comment:

Mama said...

My wonderful kids.
My gorgeous grandbabies.
My beautiful house.
My back porch.
My job.
My church.
My small group.
Sunday mornings on my back porch.
Kelly Minter :)
Nehemiah - A heart that can break
Abundant finances.

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