Saturday, September 29, 2007

day one

Last night we sat around a mini camp fire and had smores and started just asking each other questions and it turned into a "define" people game. Questions like, if (insert name here) were a car, what kind of care would they be, or what kind of animal, or type of music etc. How it worked is that everyone had to decide what they thought that person would be. It was really fun, and you learn a lot about yourself in these kind of situations!! So here is the list of things:

Car- a sporty, smaller SUV
Animal- A gazelle, or flamingo, or swan
What section in Barnes and Noble we would be in- the big picture books of modern pictures of fashion, random photography, music etc ( i thought that was pretty cool!)
What genre of music i would be- country, or indie
If they had to describe me in one word- Syke! :) (they said this because at first I am not who i really am, like when you first meet me, i might seem real quite and shy and no fun, or even mean cause I am so shy, but then once you get to know me, im fun, and nice and such, so its like SYKE! lol)
and the last one was...if I would be an object what would I be(something that goes along with my one word)- one of those tubes that when you open in all the things pop out of it, like those practical joke

It was a really fun day!! It was a 5 hour drive, but we had fun and when we got here Kristin's mom had dinner ready for us. It was so good! Then we had our little fire for like 3 hours, had some amazing "God" conversations, and then went to bed..I have been so blessed with these friends. It almost made me want to cry. I just love it so much!! wow..just wow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Double Wow! God is so good to you! I LOVE the descriptions, especially the can that you open and everything pops out! You, my beauty, are a wonderful surprise! What a neat way to describe you! There is so much more to you than first shows up -- you are a multi-dimensional, fascinating, funny, surprise of a person and I love you VERY much! Have a WONDY MONDAY!! (If you say "Monday" like a hick, then it rhymes with "wondy"...:):O)

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