Friday, December 7, 2007

Been Awhile

I know its been awhile since I have blogged but my computer was being dumb and wouldn't let me get on the internet and now its fixed!! WHOOOOOOO!!!!!! So this is going to be a round-up blog(yes that's journalism talk)

I have officially written my LAST article for the Advocate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as you can see, I am pretty excited about that!!

Tau'mee's wedding was absolutely beautiful and perfect.

I only have one more week of school left, and it's final's week! ah! but It won't be bad, I only have to take one test, so thats really nice!! I CANNOT wait until Christmas break! I am super excited to see my brother, then ALL my family in New Mexico, its just going to be great!! ALSO I will have a niece when I come to school!! Holy Cow I'm excited!!!!

I saw August Rush..LOVE IT!!!!!!! The Dad is the man I want to all. When we went to see it, it was a Tuesday night is Siloam Springs so we were the only ones in the

Wednesday night I played in a Three on Three basketball tournament at school and my team got second place!!! Not too shabby for me not playing in really over a year!! It was so much fun and made me realize how much I miss it, it also made me very very sore!!! I can barely walk today.

That's all I can think of that has happened since my last post...So here are some pics of past events!!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Your computer is fixed!!!! Did the JBU tech guys do it?

YAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more Advocate articles!!!! I will miss reading your work in the paper, but I will NOT miss the late night frustrated phone calls.....;)

The pics are BEAUTIFUL -- and so are you!!

I'm SO GLAD it's almost Christmas break, cuz Im READY for you to be home for a while! And for us to see our family! YIPPEE!

Since you only have one test, study hard and KICK BUTT. k? :)

That's all!



PS -- I haven't seen August Rush yet. What if I miss it???????

jsw said...

Keisha, I am so glad you are done with the Advocate. I know how much stress that brought you.

Also, I had the same thoughts about August Rush's dad. haha.

You are the greatest and I am SO GLAD we are friends.

Sherah said...

Nice to get caught up on that happenings in your life! I'm excited to see you in two weeks!!! Good luck with finals between now and then - yuck!

As for August Rush... yes, what a great movie with a great actor! Jonathan Rhys Meyers give the movie such a good view!

Love you tons and miss you!

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