Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tough thoughts

If you were single for the rest of your life, would you be content in just the relationship with God?

Yikes!!! Did I just go there??? Well, I understand that this is a pretty difficult question to swallow, much less answer. I haven't honestly answered it yet. I mean, up front I would say, "Ohhh yeah...Of COURSE I would be...I mean, why wouldn't I..." but then when it settles in a little and I think about it, it is kind of sucky to think about. I don't want to be single for the rest of my life. That just blows!!! We are supposed to have a partner to go through this crazy journey with. Even though Adam had everything he could ever want, it wasn't enough until he had the "suitable partner" (Eve). But I wonder what it looks like to be so in tuned with God that He is enough. I would like to think that we could be so in tuned with God that we feel like we don't need anything or anyone else, until God's like, "Uh...bro/lady...I am everything and everyone you will ever need, but it isn't my best. My best also includes..." BAM!! God throws His BEST for you in front of your path and you are like, "THANK YOU JESUS! HOLY CRAP THIS IS GOOD!"
I would love to personally be in that place where I was so in tuned with God that I feel completely secure in His greatness, His glory, His truth, His promises...and I would love that for you as well.

Just something I have been thinking about a lot lately



Sherah said...

hum.... this is definatly a conversation that we need to have face to face. My thoughts about this subject are somewhat different then that of popular chirstian culture (imagine that coming from me... no way).

I do NOT think that it is your job to be 'content' in your singleness and then God will bless you with someone. I believe that marriage is a holy union designed by God and something holy to desire. Yes, we should have joy in our lives no matter our circumstances, BUT it is good to have holy desires and if you desire a marriage/husband then don't shove it away.... continue to pray for that, pray for your husband whom God is preparing, pray for your role as a wife that He will continue to mold you everyday into that Godly crown that will be given to your husband.

I think that statement of 'contentment' that is used in popular christian culture is foolish, because the Lord wants you to desire the things of Him. If you made that same statement to a couple wanting children, "you must be content with not having children, and THEN God will bless you with a child" - No way would that be accepted, because it is not wrong to want a child, just like it is not wrong to want a husband!

On the flip side to this whole thing, you are to live for today and be seeking after God with all your heart TODAY. If the desire for a husband becomes all-consuming and takes your focus away from Him, then you need to re-examine your heart. Is the thought of a future husband becoming an idol to you? If so, that is when you need to lay that at His feet and surrender it. Surrendering that does not mean you are giving that desire up, you are simply saying that you will give praise and honor to the Lord through that desire.

Again, we really should talk about this face to face because I have SO many thoughts on this exact subject that are not typically preached in churches or singles groups. Our pastor did an amazing sermon to husbands and in that sermon he addressed singles about this subject of being 'content', I will see if I can find it and you can podcast it. I really like the way he puts this subject, its the way I think and not the way I've every heard it before.

Love you and praying for you everyday!

Keisha Rae said...

Here is the thing..I do not think that you have to be content and THEN God will bless you, and that it is NOT wrong to desire a husband, or boyfriend or whatever. But I do believe that while you are waiting for God to bless you with that, that you should be learning how to be content with God, that if you are not content with him in your singleness, you will not be completely content once you have someone in your life. You should definitely not shove the desire away, like I said, I desire to have that someone, but I also believe that, that desire should not consume your thoughts and be the source of your happiness. The desire for that relationship is not consuming me. I was just having a thought about being content with God.

jsw said...

This is actually something I think about a lot. My heart goes back and forth on it. We will talk sometime.

Sherah said...

So, sorry I got carried away on my little soap box. I just have so many thoughts about this subject and hate the way that it is typically presented. I am not saying that that is how you were feeling, just sharing my view. :)

I also wanted to say that I think it is a great thing to seek after contentment in your relationship with God no matter your circumstances! Being single or with someone, YOU alone are still incontrol of your relationship with God and He alone should be all-consuming!

Our pastor talks about having these 'untouchables' that we clench in our hand. These things can be good things in the beginning like health, or safety for your family, or your marriage, or children, or whatever you really want in life... then we put them in our hands and say to God, "Ok, God, I'm giving you everything that I am and I want to serve you with all that I am.... except don't touch what's in my hand." It is then that those things become idols to us and although there is nothing wrong with not wanting anything horrible to happen to your family, your idolizing that thought and putting it before God. So, insted of God becoming the center of your life He simply says, "What's in your hand, open your hand, you need to let go of what's in your hand...." and until we do we will never be completly satisfied by Him.

So, in the end, I think we are saying the same thing. It is God's desire for us to be totally and completly statisfied by Him. Yet we ALL stuggle with that on sometimes a daily basis. Why is it so hard for us to let go and give Him everything? And just when we think we are doing just that we realize we aren't...

Wow, again, sorry for saying so much, I guess God has been dealing with me on this very issue and I am struggling with it.


Keisha Rae said...

You have no idea how much I appreciate and value what you have said! I can't wait to talk with you about it face to face!!


Anonymous said...

Wow -- do I have two of the MOST AMAZING daughters, or what.....???


Anonymous said...

PS -- Sherah, you should consider being a speaker at young women's conferences. You have a lot to share....just a thought. Maybe from God. Who knows...

Anonymous said...

...two young ones...teaching an old one...God speaks through beautiful vessels to me today. Thank you Lord!


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