Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Foot Loose and Worry Free

My day today and Andrew Brown's latest blog inspired this blog...

I worry about things in my future WAY too much. As soon as there is a possibility of something good happening to me in the future I automatically think of all the reasons and ways it won't happen to me. I sit around and worry about it and think and think of worst case scenarios or think things that aren't really going on, are( don't know if that made total sense). I say I am going to trust God and I totally don't or don't want to wait on his timing. My friend Rachel told me today, "God's timing is SOOOOO much better than our timing, lets just seek his will" that is exactly what I needed to hear today. I can't say that I won't do this ever again. But with these specific things that are going on in my life right now I am definitely going to try to not let them consume my thoughts or control my happiness. I am blessed beyond words in so many ways, I need to focus on those things and let God handle whats ahead.


Hambone said...

Keisha...you're great. i look forward to our meetings in the near future...

Anonymous said...

Dear Keisha,

You amaze me and I love you. Remember ALL the talks we've had "after the fact" about God's hand on your life, and how looking back we could see how everything fit together and really has (so far) worked out for your good. God promised us that that's what He has in mine -- to prosper us, to bless us, to work all things out for our good. SO, keep being patient, keep being thankful, keep being YOU. And we will look back, like we always do, and say "OH......now I see.....:)

Love always and forever,


jsw said...

Oh Keish,

We are all like that. I guess thats good though... we can all help each other with our crazy lives and worries.

Seriously though. Talking more? You and me? Like, a lot? That would be good.

Anonymous said...

I struggle with this issue of worry...it is a constant battle to
let go (like I really have control over what happens) Recently someone told me that worry shows the lost world, we don't trust God. I am working on this trust issue in my own life. Keep praying and walking with the Lord and He will direct all your paths.
Can't wait to see you!

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