Saturday, August 21, 2010

And The Birds Sing

The other day I was eating lunch at Panera. It was perfect outside so I took my lunch to the patio. As I was eating some birds started gathering around, wanting me to throw em a little somethin somethin. Eventually I gave in. I gave them each a little tear of break off my sandwich. It was plenty for each of them to get their fill. They all flew off and I didn't see them again till they have done what ever it was they were going to do with the bread I gave them. As soon as they got back, they all surrounded me, wanting more. They got closer and closer and when they realized I wasn't going to give them any more, they left. And that was the end.

We are like birds. We gather around God and beg and beg, expecting Him to give us what we want. IF he does, we grab it and then disappear. We go and have our fun with the gift he has given us. Most of the time we don't thank him, and if we do, its quick and as we are running off to enjoy what he had so gracefully gave us. When it runs out, or we want more, or something else, then we come back to his feet. We come closer than before, just asking for more blessings. When we don't feel like he gives it to us, we pull away. We leave. All we want is Him to give us what we ask for and either way, we run away. If we would just believe that he knows more than we do, that he knows that too much of what we want will ruin us. Just like those birds. They had exactly as much as they needed right then.

I find myself doing that lately. God gave me an internship, a place to live, people who care about, a wonderful church, parents who support me all in the town I love. But nope, that's not enough. I want EXACTLY what I want, and I don't want to wait for it.

All of those things are wonderful and I am beyond thankful for them. But I still want more. I find myself pulling away, not spending as much time with Him because I feel lonely (which I see is ridiculous). I want Him to hurry and make my life here perfect and easy. It's foolish, but it's true.

We are like birds..


sarahjobell said...

This is so true. Great post!

Mama said...

Beautiful, my angel :) We are all like birds, I think....I've had a few more experiences in my life proving that WAITING is sometimes our only choice, AND our best choice. But I still don't like it. And I still fight it. Even today, I am fighting it. TIME....His is so different than ours. And His thoughts are so much higher than ours.....being grateful for even the little things, trying to see Him in today even if it's a hard today, trusting Him, waiting on Him....this year is a year of learning those things for me, and I guess it is for you too. You are loved :)

Mama said...

Me again!

Wouldn't you have loved for the birds to stay right around you? Not begging for anything. Just hanging out, content, happy, letting you watch how amazing a beautiful they are?

I think God would like it if we did that, too.

Hannah said...

Thanks for the reminder. This is a beautiful analogy. I feel like i'm going through a lot of the same stuff you are right now.

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