Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tunes Tuesday (Thursday Edition): Andrew Ripp

I have decided I am starting a weekly music feature on here. It's going to be on Tuesdays, mostly so I can use the oh so creative (not) name "Tunes Tuesday) but I just couldn't wait!! Music is such a huge part of my life and there is just so much incredible music out there that may be extremely popular or someone you've never heard of before. Either way, it deserves to be talked about and shared.

Today, Andrew Ripp gets the spotlight

Andrew lives in Nashville and is just ridiculously good. I have yet to see him play a show, but after listening to his stuff this week I can promise you he won't pick up his guitar in front of a group of people again without me being there. Check this boy out.

I am currently beyond obsessed with this song. I've listened to it probably 50 times in the past 2 days.

I love this song for 3 reasons. 1. It's awesome. 2. there are not many things more attractive than a man who can play the harmonica. 3. my "friend" David is playing keys in this song and it was kinda fun to see him.

I couldn't decide on just two videos/songs to share, so here is one more.


Mama said...

Oh goodness! I am LOVING this music :):) And yes, the harmonica is attractive. Yes it is.

Mama said...

PS I'll be heading on over to ITunes today to buy me some Andrew Ripp :)

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