Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Momma

I know Mother's Day was a couple days ago, but guess what? I don't need a special day to talk about my Momma. Cause she is pretty awesome all the time.
She's beautiful, and kind, and funny, and an incredible Christian woman, and she is also my best friend.

I can always call her and know she will hear me out. Sure, sometimes she doesn't respond how I want but I know at the end of the day I have her support. I know how rare this is. And realize how incredibly blessed I am to have a mom who has transitioned from "Mom" to "friend".

I have so many great memories of growing up, here are some of my favorites:
Every night me and my brother would gather on the couch and my mom would read a section of a book. I remember it being on of my favorite times of the night, and I am sure this is the reason why I still love reading so much.

She also had a whole medley of songs she would sing to each of us every night. I loved the sound of my moms voice. It was instantly calming. I had a hard time sleeping growing up (lets be honest, I still do.) but for those few minutes I was completely calm and safe.

As I got older we started going to concerts together. And to this day we basically have the same music taste. She also is one of the few people who finds me funny. We laugh a lot.

I just can't believe I have been blessed with such an incredible beautiful mother. She challenges me, prays for me, supports me, encourages me and believes in me. Without her and my dad I would not have had the experiences I have, or the ability to chase my dreams. There is no way to adequately thank her.

But thank you mom. Thank for all you have done for me. For being my friend. I love you.


Momma said...

Ok wow. You made me cry at work. AGAIN!!!

It has been the greatest gift I could have EVER been given, and an unspeakable joy to be a Momma. I didn't deserve it and had no idea what I was doing, but I loved every single minute of it. I know I could have done better, but I did my best and would do it all over again in a second! And for you to call me your best friend -- my heart sings! You are a beautiful, funny (YES FUNNY!!), passionate, fascinating, complex, awesome daughter and I love being your Momma with all that I am.

Love you, Pook, and I'm so intensely proud of you :)



Momma said...


All those pictures --

1. Such memories.....:)

2. Proof that each generation is MUCH more beautiful than the one before.....sheesh.

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