Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zombie Survival Guide

I sit at my desk at work, with the heater on, because May has decided it would rather be March for awhile, drinking a bad cup of coffee and coming to the realization that I have turned into a zombie. The walking dead.

I feel dead. OR at least the me I used to know is dead. I have to force smiles and conversation. I'm tired and unhappy. This terrifies me. Because I know I have so so so much to be happy about. Yet I can't seem to shake this overwhelming heaviness. I feel like I've lost myself. Like I'm wandering in a dark forest tripping over branches and rocks. I know I need to do something different but every path I look down looks as terrifying and unknown as the one I'm on now.

But I still know I must choose one. Because it has to be better than this drained lifeless existence I am currently trying to live through. It has to be.

Yes. It's definitely time for a change.

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