Sunday, August 18, 2013


What does that word mean? What deserves it's name? Is it the shape of a face, the color of hair, the style of clothes? Is it flowers and mountains and oceans? Is it love and laughter and compassion?

It is often so easy to forget what true beauty is. To remember that beauty is: Courage and love and joy and acceptance and sharing those things with those around you. It's loving with your whole life, the one that created it. It's looking at yourself and the person you are and seeing a perfect child of the King and accepting who that is. It's letting go of expectations and stereotypes and letting yourself be truly you, mess and all. It's the daily fight to take that next step to being the person you know you were created to be, no matter how hard or scary it is. It's seeing the beauty in the small and seemingly un-beautiful. It's laughter and sharing your deepest parts of yourself with someone. It's trust and abandon. It's serving and putting yourself last. It's thanksgiving and awe. 

That is beauty. Those things are worthy of the name. Let us not forget today. Let us be beautiful.

1 comment:

Mama said...

"Beauty is: Courage and love and joy and acceptance and sharing those things with those around you."

"It's thanksgiving and awe."

Lovely, moving thoughts from my beautiful daughter's heart.....

Kinda blown away by this one,Keish :)

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