Monday, May 20, 2013


I kind of fell behind on the "blog every day in May" thing, but I still plan on answering all of the questions.

Question 8: A piece of advice you have for others (anything at all)

I would say, do things that scare you. Move to a new city, start your own business, say yes to the date, trust your heart.

I can say that the best things in my life have come from saying yes to things that terrified me. I moved to Nashville all alone, I joined a small group where I new no one, I took a leap and trusted my heart and said yes to a boy who changed everything I thought about love. It's so easy to stay comfortable, to do the things that are safe and expected, but there is no adventure in that. You have to choose to live in adventure, and I can tell you that from what I've experienced so far, adventure is far better than safety. It's not easier, but it is so much better.

Take a chance.


Mom said...

Keish. I fell behind in commenting on all your blog posts. But I have to say, I love them all. You are a great writer, Pook! You need to keep using that talent, even if you think Jill and I are the only ones reading ;) I feel like God will use it someday, if you are faithful to put it out there.

So proud of you, and all the scary things you've done in your life! Way more than I have.....

Mama said...

See ANNIE BLOGS, May 21 post!!! Perfect song for this post :)

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