Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 4 of 30 Days Of Me

A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have

I pick at the side of my thumbs until they are raw. It's painful and ugly. I don't know why I do it but most of the time I don't even know I am doing it. I HATE it and TOTALLY wish I didn't have it.

I also crack my knuckles. I wish I didn't do this either, because before too long my hands are going to look like claws.

I shut down around most people. I am quiet and shy and don't let myself be me because I am afraid of not being good enough or what they might think. I would consider this a habit and I HATE it. Much much much more to come about this later too. This last week at church our pastor preached a message that completely rocked most of us. It shed light on issues we had been shoving back into the darkest corner. So now its time to bring them into the light and deal with them.

Anyway, those are the most annoying habits I have that I can think of. If you know me and can think of some more, feel free to share haha.

What are your habits you wish you didn't have?


Kellory said...

i love you, rae. i really think what you're doing is inspiring and refreshing. keep on keepin' on!

Mama said...

Oh boo. Why couldn't you have gotten just one of your bad habits from your dad?????? Every one of those is from me. Rats!

Well, at least now I don't have to write a really long comment about my bad habits.

I can just say: "See Keisha's post".

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